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Player Safety

Utah Amateur Hockey and USA hockey with the support of coaches, officials and association leaders have worked hard at providing a safe environment for players. There are number of programs and resources that have been put in place and are available, such as the Hockey Education Program (HEP), Heads-Up Don't Duck, progressive body contact checking training program, the STOP patch and  concussion education and protocol. 

Utah Amateur Hockey is committed to add and improve programs to ensure players safety in the future.  However, recent incidents  remind all of us to continue reinforcing these efforts to eliminate dangerous and illegal hits and to teach correct body contact and checking techniques.

With that in mind, we make the following recommendations:


  • Before every game and practice remind your hockey players of the dangers of checking from behind and to eliminate any such hits.
  • During practices work with your players on correct body contact and checking techniques as laid out in the progressive body contact checking curriculum.
  • Review with your players the principles of the Heads-Up Don't Duck program.
  • Support the official’s calls.


  • Review the points of emphasis on body contact/checking.
  • Before the game, talk with the coaches regarding the points of emphasis and hits from behind.
  • When there is a check from behind do not hesitate to make the call.

Hockey Players

  • Commit yourself to playing hockey the right way and safely.
  • Eliminate checking from behind.  If you see the STOP patch pull up and avoid hitting the other player.